6x6x6 = 216, the reverse way of reaching 666
673 is the 122nd prime number
Remember that this whole entire "flood" riddle with the 2017 MLB World Series championship deals with Biblical relevance.
Why is the TSA statement not included in the article but thrown into here via the video clip?
Lazynesss? or possibly to keep the messages hidden?
Here's why
13 letters, 3 words, like 133
Government = 133
303, like 33; Masonry = 33
article as posted at 11:34 AM.
eleven thirty four = 223
eleven thirty four = 223
Masonic = 223
Eric Garcetti is the current mayor for the city of Los Angeles.
331 is the 67th prime number
From October 26, 2017 (the day after game 2 of the 2017 MLB World Series) to the end of the year leaves 67 days remaining.
security screening = 130 /157 {37 prime; Los Angeles} / 410
The two individuals that were interviewed and shown on air are Tim Jamieson and Avi Cahanim. Such names..
Jamieson = 47 (Airport, Agent)
Jamieson = 41
Avi Cahanim = 45 (Geometry)
Cahanim = 41
Jamieson = 41
Avi Cahanim = 45 (Geometry)
Cahanim = 41
little by little, more and more restrictions and limitations are being
placed upon the people of this nation as well as the rest of the world
and the sheeple continue to go along with it. From enhanced
screening of passengers and electronic devices, to heightened security
standards for aircrafts to now introducing pre-flight interviews, to now
having to fill out a form (for documentation of course), for anyone that has common sense, how can they not see a systemic, potential increase of problems arising from these new measures? And besides that, how is it that these government agencies can set regulations as to how we behave? Frog in a pot.
This is all so troubling considering the that the initial false-flag used to introduce all these security measures was 9/11, not even to mention the creation of the TSA (Transportation Security Administration), where planes were supposedly used to bring down 3 towers in New York City, 1 of which was solely brought down by fires only for the first time in the world.
Don't forget that passengers are forcefully subjected to radioactive screening with the machines and/or physically intrusive pat downs on your body.
(People travel all the time, including those who plan on attending the World Series games in both Houston & Los Angeles)
*Did you notice that this
video clip is 2 minutes 2 seconds like, 22.
Water = 22
2 minutes 2 seconds also can be converted into 122 seconds.
Water = 22
2 minutes 2 seconds also can be converted into 122 seconds.
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