Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Numeric keypad cipher | September 12, 2018

Numeric keypad cipher

Upon listening to the previous broadcast of TFR Gematria TFR call about the phone cipher , I began to open my eyes / mind even more so to the various daily subjections that we experience everyday in this crazy world, from daily news headlines to sports updates, to the latest celebrity dramas and then some.

One night, last Thursday if my memory serves me correct, I began to look at the keyboard on my computer before me. The F# iterations began to arouse my curiousty, but what ultimately caught my attention was the numeric keypad that sits just besides my fingers. A relatively unknown cipher has been discovered.

(Look at the numeric keypad on your computer, if you have access to one)

*Reverse Numeric keypad cipher:
1 – abc /// 2 – def /// 3 – ghi
4 –jkl /// 5 – mno /// 6 - pqr
7 – stu /// 8 – vwx /// 9 - yz

*Numeric keypad cipher (what is on the majority of computer keypads):

7 – abc /// 8 – def /// 9 – ghi
4 –jkl /// 5 – mno /// 6 - pqr
1 – stu /// 2 – vwx /// 3 – yz

With the Numeric keypad cipher, please observe the following:
Look at the words in particular marked with '*'

Numeric keypad = 5+7+5+2+6+3+1   -   4+2+9+6+1+2 = 53
Numeric keypad = 5+1+5+8+6+9+7   -   4+8+3+6+7+8 = 77

Numeric = 5+7+5+2+6+3+1 = 29
Numeric = 5+1+5+8+6+9+7 = 41

Keypad = 4+3+9+6+1+2 = 24
Keypad = 4+8+9+6+7+8 = 36

numpad = 5+7+5+6+1+2 = 26
numpad = 5+1+5+6+7+8 = 32

Ten-key = 7+2+5+4+2+9 = 29
Ten-key = 1+8+5+4+8+3 = 29

Time = 7+3+5+2 = 17
Time = 1+9+5+8 = 23

Clock = 1+4+5+1+4 = 15
Clock = 7+4+5+7+4 = 27

Gematria = 3+2+5+1+7+6+3+1 = 28
Gematria = 9+8+5+7+1+6+9+7 = 52

fifteen = 2+3+2+7+2+2+5 = 23
fifteen = 8+9+8+1+8+8+5 = 47

sixteen = 7+3+8+1+2+2+5 = 28
sixteen = 1+9+2+1+8+8+5 = 34

thirty-three = 7+3+3+6+7+9    -   7+3+6+2+2 =55
thirty-three = 1+9+9+6+1+3   -   1+9+6+8+8 = 61

forty-seven = 2+5+6+7+9   -   7+2+8+2+5 = 53
forty-seven = 8+5+6+1+3   -   1+8+2+8+5 = 47

fifty-three =2+3+2+7+9   -   7+3+6+2+2 = 43
fifty-three = 8+9+8+1+3   -   1+9+6+8+8 = 61

death = 2+2+1+7+3 = 15
*death = 8+8+7+1+9 = 33

kill = 4+3+4+4 = 15
kill = 4+9+4+4 = 21

obey = 5+1+2+9 = 17
obey = 5+7+8+3 = 23

murder = 5+7+2+2+6+6 = 28
*murder = 5+6+1+8+8+6 = 34

Murder sums to 34 using the full reduction Pythagorean cipher.

Jesus = 4+2+7+7+7 = 27
Jesus = 4+8+1+1+1 = 15

Jesus Christ = 4+2+7+7+7   -   1+3++6+3+7+7 = 54
Jesus Christ = 4+8+1+1+1   -   7+9+6+9+1+1 = 48

Cross = 1+6+5+7+7 = 26
Cross = 7+6+5+1+1 = 20

God = 3+5+2 = 10
God = 9+5+8 = 22

Yahweh = 9+1+3+8+2+3 = 26
Yahweh = 3+7+9+2+8+9 = 38

Yahuwah = 9+1+3+7+8+1+3 = 32
Yahuwah = 3+7+9+1+2+7+9 = 38

Yahushua = 9+1+3+1+1+3+7+1 = 26
Yahushua = 3+7+9+1+1+9+1+7 = 32

Talmud = 7+1+4+5+7+2 = 26
Talmud = 1+7+4+5+1+8 = 26

Torah = 7+5+6+1+3 = 22
Torah = 1+5+6+7+9 = 28

*Bible = 1+3+1+4+2 = 11
*Bible = 7+9+7+4+8 = 35

Mason = 5+1+7+5+5 = 23
Mason = 5+7+1+5+5 = 23

Masonry = 5+1+7+5+5+6+9 = 38
Masonry = 5+7+1+5+5+ 6+3 = 32

Freemason = 2+6+2+2+5+1+7+5+5 = 35
Freemason =8+6+8+8+5+7+1+5+5 = 53

Freemasonry = 2+6+2+2+5+1+7+5+5+6+9 = 50
*Freemasonry = 8+6+8+8+5+7+1+5+5+6+3 = 62
Mason = 62
Torah = 62


*1) Spellcheck: Breakdown of numbers through numerology will equal either the same numbers or a intervals of 3

Freemasonry = 2+6+2+2+5+1+7+5+5+6+9 = 50 = 5 + 0 = 5
*Freemasonry = 8+6+8+8+5+7+1+5+5+6+3 = 62 = 6 + 2 = 8

difference of 3

**2) Carries significant relevance with the multiples of 3

If you add up the numbers in line, you get the following:

7 + 4 + 1 = 12 / 3 = 4
8 + 5 + 2 = 15 / 3 = 5
9 + 6 + 3 = 18 / 3 = 5

7 + 5 + 3 = 15 / 3 = 5
1 + 5 + 9 = 15 / 3 = 5

7 + 8 + 9 = 24 / 3 = 8
4 + 5 + 6 = 15 / 3 = 5
1 + 2 + 3 = 6 / 3 = 2

More possible numeric key-pad variation ciphers:

7 – abc /// 8 – jkl /// 9 – stu
4 – def /// 5 – mno /// 6 - vwx
1 – ghi /// 2 – pqr /// 3 – yz


7 – yz /// 8 – vwx /// 9 – stu
4 – pqr /// 5 – mno /// 6 - jkl
1 – ghi /// 2 – def /// 3 – abc

7 – yz /// 8 – pqr /// 9 – ghi
4 – vwx /// 5 – mno /// 6 - def
1 – stu /// 2 – jkl /// 3 – abc


7 – ajs /// 8 – bkt  /// 9 – clu
4 –dmv  /// 5 – enw  /// 6 - fox
1 – gpy  /// 2 – hqz  /// 3 – ir

7 – ajs /// 8 – dmv /// 9 – gpy
4 – bkt  /// 5 – enw  /// 6 - hqz
1 – clu /// 2 – fox  /// 3 – ir


7 – clu /// 8 – bkt  /// 9 – ajs
4 –fox  /// 5 – enw  /// 6 - dmv
1 – ir  /// 2 – hqz  /// 3 – gpy

7 – gpy /// 8 – dmv /// 9 – ajs
4 – hqz /// 5 – enw  /// 6 - bkt  
1 – ir /// 2 – fox  /// 3 – clu

*English Ordinal

7 – gpy /// 8 – hqz /// 9 – ir
4 – dmv /// 5 – enw  /// 6 - fox  
1 – ajs /// 2 – bkt  /// 3 – clu


7 – clu /// 8 – fox  /// 9 – ir
4 – bkt  /// 5 – enw  /// 6 - hqz
1 – ajs /// 2 – dmv /// 3 – gpy


*I will continue to expand on this as I learn more about this Numeric Keypad cipher.

Credit to Zenith of the Alpha for playing the catalyst to this discovery, Derek the Gematrinator 64 for the revolution of Gematria and of course Zach for spear heading this knowledge and against the powers that should not be.

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