Thursday, February 8, 2018

264 | Viruses ‘falling from sky in their billions every day’, February 7, 2018

Billions of viruses fall from the sky every day, according to new research which could explain why genetically identical viruses are often found in very different environments around the world.

In a scientific first, a team of international researchers recorded the number of viruses being swept up daily from the Earth’s surface into the free troposphere – the lowest layer of the atmosphere, in which nearly all weather occurs.

The phrase 'falling from sky in their billions every day’ is emphasized.

The study was published by the International Society for Microbial Ecology Journal.

Scientists conclude while the deposits of bacteria and viruses from the atmosphere may have effects on the structure and function of recipient ecosystems, it’s not necessarily terrible news, as the deposits could help ecosystems adapt more quickly to environment changes.

I've always been skeptical as a child when it came to the rain. Yes, it is an element mother nature brings us from helping to grow crops, water for the plants, shrubs, bushes, trees etc. along with many others. As a child, I would play around with my friends thinking up of various scenarios, from lost on an island to being put in a predicament with "bad guys."  One of the scenario games I used to play as a child was that the rain would be "acid." (a play on the floor is lava). I can't recall specifically where I discovered this tid bit but the contamination of rain containing harmful effects, bacteria etc. always sat in the back of my mind. I do try to stay out of the rain whenever possible. Unfortunately, weather manipulation is a very real thing, thus the endless amount of chemicals that are purposefully blasted into the air and atmosphere. One can only wonder using common sense how contaminated the atmospheric air must be over the centuries upon centuries of air pollution.


  1. maybe if you look at astroid activity with epidemics that break thru our weakening ozone layer mixing radiation prob bactira and the festering toxic stuff stuck that we put up there smashes down on us and if strong enough carried by the prevailing winds ,when I looked into it I see we got a main astroid that goes orbits the sun and gets closer to us every 4years coincides with illness to humans!!

  2. maybe if you look at astroid activity with epidemics that break thru our weakening ozone shield and the impact of them churns up evil shit back down on us and if strong enough carried by the prevailing winds are now taking them around the world this,I only just seen earth has a astroid that orbits the sun and gets closer to us every 4 years which coincides with the main epidemics where Astroid activity has happened about 3 weeks before illnesses!🤔
