Friday, January 4, 2019

95 96 187 199 235 487 647 | Herb Kelleher, Southwest Airlines founder, dies at 87, January 3, 2019

Herb Kelleher, the eccentric founder of Southwest Airlines, died Thursday. He was 87.

The company announced his passing in a statement that described Kelleher as a "pioneer, a maverick, and an innovator." The cause of death was not disclosed.

199 is the 46th prime number

On a Masonic logo with the square and compass, Summer Solstice (left compass) and Winter Solstice (right compass) are angled at 23.5 degrees.

23.5+23.5=47 (Agent, Authority, Government, Time, Vibration)

487 is the 93rd prime number

 647 is the 118th prime number

Herb Kelleher, full name Herbert David Kelleher, was an American businessman.
He was the co-founder, CEO, and Chairman Emeritus of Southwest Airlines.

From Herb Kelleher's birthday (3/12/18) to the day of his death (1/3/19) is exactly 298 days

It is also exactly 9 months and 23 days later, like 923

The flag was established June 14, 1777, at 239 Arch St. in Philadelphia

From Herb Kelleher's death (1/3/19) to the day of his next would-be birthday (3/12/19) is a span of 68 days.
By tradition, coffins are lowered into their graves 6 feet deep, by 8 feet long, hence the term "86-ed" etc.

It is also a span of 9 weeks and 5 days, like 95

The Society of Jesus's birthday is September 27, the day leaving 95-days left in the year.

 Counting the end date, it is exactly 96 day later

 Southwest Airlines Co. is a major United States airline headquartered in Dallas, Texas, and is the world’s largest low-cost carrier.

Southwest Airlines Co. headquartered in Dallas,Texas sits on the 96th parallel.

Herb Kelleher died at the age of 87.

Herb Kelleher

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