Saturday, May 5, 2018

45 47 65 139 | This is what love does to your brain, April 23, 2018

What happens to your brain on love? Is there such a thing as “casual sex”? What do we get wrong about male and female sexuality?

Fisher is a biological anthropologist, the chief scientific adviser to the dating site, and the author of several books including Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love.  

She’s written six books about human sexuality, gender differences in the brain, and how cultural trends shape our views of sex, love, and attachment. Fisher, in other words, has spent a lot of time thinking about the role of sex and love in human life.

A lightly edited transcript of the conversation about what she has learned about the undercuts of our conventional ideas about sexuality and gender are shown below. Distinguishes about love from attachment, and why she thinks there are three simple things you can to do maintain a happy relationship are also mentioned as well.

139 is the 34th prime number

Date numerology: 4/23/2018 = 4+23+18 = 45

Date numerology: 4/23/2018 = 4+2+3+20+18 = 47
 Foundation = 47. Framework = 47. Relaxation = 47. Time = 47. Vibration = 47
Sexual union = 47

Date numerology: 4/23/2018 = 4+23++20+18 = 65
Girls = 65. Special = 65. subconscious mind = 65

So being in love is like being hooked up to a perpetual dopamine drip, and you get a little hit every time you see the person or touch them or think about them? 

The dopamine hits occur even when you’re not with the person.  You can think of love as an intense obsession, but it’s really an addiction. You think about them all the time; you become sexually possessive; you get butterflies in the stomach; you can read their emails and texts over and over again.

But I say it’s an addiction because we found that, in addition to the dopamine system being activated in the brains of people in love, we also found activity in another part of the brain called the nucleus accumbens.

mating partner = 66
mating energy = 66
Single = 66
Girlfriend = 66
Woman = 66

Husband = 69
happy marriage =69
Sexual connotation = 69
sexually possessive = 69

It’s really an addiction.” = 69/89/98/145
experience of love = 89
Boyfriend = 98/145
“focus on the positives” = 89/145
positive illusion = 98
This part of the brain is activated in all forms of behavioral addiction — whether it’s drugs or gambling or food or kleptomania. So this part of the brain fires up in people who have recently fallen in love, and it really does function like an addiction.  Which is why romantic love is a far more powerful brain system than the sex drive.

You want a happy marriage? Do all those things that psychologists and others might suggest, but this is what the brain says: Express empathy, control your own emotions, and overlook the negatives in your partner and focus on the positives.

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