Friday, March 30, 2018

56 94 491 555 | Facebook—even as it apologizes for scandal—funds campaign to block a California data-privacy measure, March 26, 2018

Just a few weeks before Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg apologized for the “breach of trust” that allowed Cambridge Analytica to access the private social media activity of 50 million people, Facebook plunked down $200,000 to fight a data privacy initiative in California.

The social media giant’s donation matched others from Google, AT&T, Comcast and Verizon—a million-dollar sign that the issue of how companies collect and share personal information is likely to grow into an expensive fight as election season unfolds in California.

491 is the 94th prime number

The date of this article published on March 26, 2018, date written 3/26 or 26/3.

26/3 like 263, is the 56th prime number

Look at the gematria of Alastair Mactaggart and the California Consumer Privacy Act.
Freemasonry = 58 / 158. Freemasonic social media = 134. Tisha B'Av = 134. Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 143
22 divided by 7 equals 3.14 ~, Pi; number for seasons, cycles, circles etc.

Honestly, not surprised. Despite the on-going social media data leak scandal by Facebook, the company continues to make obvious, self-interest efforts to preserve their data collecting schemes. This Facebook company makes much, much more money selling targeted ads based on your data profile than they could ever make by selling a social media service to you. No concern for actual privacy.

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