Monday, October 22, 2018

71 168 282 | Costa Rican raft accident turns bachelor party into 'living nightmare', October 22, 2018

It took less than five minutes for a weekend bachelor party in Costa Rica to turn into a tragedy that claimed the lives of four men, including the groom's brother.

Ernesto Sierra, Jorge Caso, Sergio Lorenzo and Andres Denis were killed during a white-water rafting tour on the Naranjo River in Quepos on Saturday. The men, all Americans, were between 25 and 35 years old. A fifth person, a Costa Rican tour guide identified as Kevin Thompson Reid, also died, according to Costa Rican officials.

Castro said the bachelor party arrived at the river amid high winds and rain, which led the rafting tour guides to delay going out on the water for just under an hour. After the guides gave the all clear, the group piled into their rafts.

"Within five minutes of being out on the river, all three rafts capsized, and everyone ended up in the water," Castro said.

Thirteen of the 18 people pitched into the water were able to grab hold of the overturned rafts, Costa Rican officials say. Other members of the party were swept down the river.

Castro said the river's "immense current" kept flipping the rafts as he and others tried to pull themselves out of the water. Eventually he was among those carried away, banging off rocks in the water.

Andres Denis

Ernesto Sierra

Jorge Caso

Sergio Lorenzo

From today's date of the Costa Rican rafting accident to the end of the year leaves exactly 71 days remaining.
weekend bachelor party = 71 (Septenary)
rafting accident = 71
overturned rafts = 71
seventy one = 144
Time = 144

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